查看log时错误Not authorized to display job log

时间:2016-08-25 ┊ 阅读:3,375 次 ┊ 标签: 系统 , 配置 , 问题

We cannot see the job log because we have no *ALLOBJ special authority, but the profile who submitted the job has it. if do not want someone have *ALLOBJ authority, but want he can see the log, we can run below command by system admin profile (who has the *SECADM special authority)to let us has the authority to see the job log only, just replace my id USERID to a user id then can also let they see the job logs.
you also can revoke the authority by changing the command’s parameters to *NONE and run it again.


about command DSPJOBLOG:
The Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG) command shows commands and related messages for a job that is still active when its job log has not been written. This command also shows commands for a job on a job queue that has not started processing.
This command is used to monitor the progress of a job.
Note: This function can also be accessed through the Display Job (DSPJOB) and Work with a Job (WRKJOB) commands.

To display a job log, you must have job control (JOBCTL) special authority, or the job must have the same user name as the user running the DSPJOBLOG command.
To display a job log for a job that has all object (
ALLOBJ) special authority, you must have *ALLOBJ special authority or be authorized to the All Object Job Log function of the OS/400 through iSeries Navigator's Application Administration support. The Change Function Usage (CHGFCNUSG) command, with a function ID of QIBM_ACCESS_ALLOBJ_JOBLOG, can also be used to change the list of users that are allowed to display a job log of a job with *ALLOBJ special authority.





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