COBOL read file Status on Mainframe

时间:2015-09-19 ┊ 阅读:6,784 次 ┊ 标签: 编程 , 分享 , 系统

00 Successful completion
02 Indexed files only. Possible causes:For a READ statement, the key value for the current key is equal to the value of that same key in the next record in the current key of reference. For a WRITE or REWRITE statement, the record just written created a duplicate key value for at least one alternate record key for which duplicates are allowed.
04 The length of the record being processed does not conform to the fixed file attributes for that file.
05 The referenced optional file is not present at the time the OPEN statement is executed.
06 Attempted to write to a file that has been opened for input.
07 Sequential files only. For an OPEN or CLOSE statement with the REEL/UNIT phrase the referenced file is a non-reel/unit medium.
08 Attempted to read from a file opened for output.
09 No room in directory or directory does not exist.
10 No next logical record exists. You have reached the end of the file.
12 Attempted to open a file that is already open.
13 File not found.
14 Relative files only. The number of significant digits in the relative record number is larger than the size of the relative key data item described for that file. Too many files open simultaneously (Micro Focus).
15 Too many indexed files open (Micro Focus).
16 Too many device files open (Micro Focus).
17 Record error: probably zero length (Micro Focus).
18 Read part record error: EOF before EOR or file open in wrong mode (Micro Focus).
19 Rewrite error: open mode or access mode wrong (Micro Focus).
20 Device or resource busy (Micro Focus).
21 Sequentially accessed files only. Indicates a sequence error. The ascending key requirements of successive record key values has been violated, or, the prime record key value has been changed by a COBOL program between successful execution of a READ statement and execution of the next REWRITE statement for that file.
22 Indexed and relative files only. Indicates a duplicate key condition. Attempt has been made to store a record that would create a duplicate key in the indexed or relative file OR a duplicate alternate record key that does not allow duplicates.
23 Indicates no record found. An attempt has been made to access a record, identified by a key, and that record does not exist in the file. Alternatively a START or READ operation has been tried on an optional input file that is not present.
24 Relative and indexed files only. Indicates a boundary violation. Possible causes: Attempting to write beyond the externally defined boundaries of a file. Attempting a sequential WRITE operation has been tried on a relative file, but the number of significant digits in the relative record number is larger than the size of the relative key data item described for the file.
30 The I/O statement was unsuccessfully executed as the result of a boundary violation for a sequential file or as the result of an I/O error, such as a data check parity error, or a transmission error.
32 Too many Indexed files opened. This can also happen when a sequential file is open for input and an attempt is made to open the same file for output.(Run Time System (RTS) message by Micro Focus).
34 The I/O statement failed because of a boundary violation. This condition indicates that an attempt has been made to write beyond the externally defined boundaries of a sequential file.
35 An OPEN operation with the I-O, INPUT, or EXTEND phrases has been tried on a non-OPTIONAL file that is not present.
37 An OPEN operation has been tried on a file which does not support the open mode specified in the OPEN statement.
38 An OPEN operation has been tried on a file previously closed with a lock.
39 A conflict has been detected between the fixed file attributes and the attributes specified for the file in the program. This is usually caused by a conflict with record-length, key-length, key-position or file organization. Other possible causes are: 1. Alternate indexes are incorrectly defined. 2. The Recording Mode is Variable or Fixed or not defined the same as when the file was created..
41 An OPEN operation has been tried on file already opened.
42 A CLOSE operation has been tried on file already closed.
43 Files in sequential access mode. The last I/O statement executed for the file, before the execution of a DELETE or REWRITE statement, was not a READ statement.
44 A boundary violation exists. Possible causes: Attempting to WRITE or REWRITE a record that is larger than the largest, or smaller than the smallest record allowed by the RECORD IS VARYING clause of the associated file. Attempting to REWRITE a record to a file and the record is not the same size as the record being replaced.
46 A sequential READ operation has been tried on a file open in the INPUT or I-O mode but no valid next record has been established.
47 A READ or START operation has been tried on a file not opened INPUT or I-O.
48 A WRITE operation has been tried on a file not opened in the OUTPUT, I-O, or EXTEND mode, or on a file open I-O in the sequential access mode.
49 A DELETE or REWRITE operation has been tried on a file that is not opened I-O.
91 For VSAM only. Password Failure
92 For VSAM only. Logical Error
93 For VSAM only. Recourse not Available
94 For VSAM with CMPR2 compiler-option only: No file position indicator for sequential request.
95 For VSAM only. Invalid or incomplete file information
96 For VSAM under MVS: No DD statement specified for this file. FOR VSAM and SAM under VSE: No DLBL statement specified for this file.
97 For VSAM only. OPEN statement execution successful: File integrity verified.







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