AS/400 TCP/IP Configuration

时间:2016-06-16 ┊ 阅读:3,465 次 ┊ 标签: 分享 , 系统 , 配置

  1. Configuring Ethernet
    Power on your AS/400
    Signon as QSECOFR on a 5250 workstation
    Enter command wrkhdwrsc *cmn to find out what Ethernet adapter is installed and the resource name assigned to it
    Work with Communication Resources
    Type options, press Enter.
    5=Work with configuration descriptions 7=Display resource detail
    Opt Resource Type Status Text
    CMB01 675A Operational Combined function IOP
    LIN01 2720 Operational Communication Adapter
    CMN01 2720 Operational Communication Port
    LIN02 2720 Operational LAN Adapter
    CMN02 2838 Operational Ethernet Port
    2723=10MbEthernet 2838=10/100MbEthernet
    Figure 1 - Work with Communication Resources

Enter the following command to create an Ethernet line
crtlineth lind(ETHLINE) rsrcname(CMN02) linespeed(100M)
Check the Ethernet cable. One side should be connected to the AS/400, the other side should be connected to the Ethernet hub.
Enter the following command to vary on the line
vrycfg cfgobj(ETHLINE) cfgtype(lin) status(on)
To check the line status enter command
wrkcfgsts cfgtype(*lin) cfgd(ETHLINE)
Note that the line will display the VARIED ON status until TCP/IP is started.

  1. Configuring TCP/IP
    Enter command cfgtcp to receive the following menu
    Configure TCP/IP
    Select one of the following:

  2. Work with TCP/IP interfaces

  3. Work with TCP/IP routes

  4. Change TCP/IP attributes

  5. Work with TCP/IP port restrictions

  6. Work with TCP/IP remote system information

  7. Work with TCP/IP host table entries

  8. Merge TCP/IP host table

  9. Change TCP/IP domain information

  10. Configure TCP/IP applications

  11. Configure related tables

  12. Configure point-to-point TCP/IP

Figure 2 - Configure TCP/IP

To assign an IP address to the AS/400, select 1:
Work with TCP/IP Interfaces
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 9=Start 10=End
Opt Internet
Address Subnet
Mask Line
Description Line

Figure 3 - Work with TCP/IP Interfaces

Type 1 and press Enter to define your TCP/IP interface (substitute our sample values with your; see your checklist):
Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC)
Type choices, press Enter.
Internet address . . . . . . . . >
Line description . . . . . . . . ethline Name, *LOOPBACK...
Subnet mask. . . . . . . . . . .
Associated local interface . . . *NONE
Type of service. . . . . . . . . *NORMAL *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT...
Maximum transmission unit. . . . *LIND 576-16388, *LIND
Autostart. . . . . . . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO
PVC logical channel identifier 001-FFF

  • for more values
    X.25 idle circuit timeout. . . . 60 1-600
    X.25 maximum virtual circuits. . 64 0-64
    X.25 DDN interface . . . . . . . *NO *YES, *NO
    TRLAN bit sequencing . . . . . . *MSB *MSB, *LSB
    Figure 4 - Add TCP/IP Interface

As an alternative, you may define the IP address of your AS/400 by entering the following command
addtcpifc intnetadr('') lind(ethline)

To start this TCP/IP interface, select it with 9=Start from the screen in Figure 3,
or just enter command
strtcpifc intnetadr('')

You should now add a Default Gateway (or route) to your AS/400 configuration. This would allow the AS/400 to route to your Internet service provider the conversations which cannot be handled on the local network.
From the menu in Figure 2 select option 2. Work with TCP/IP routes:
Work with TCP/IP Routes
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display

Opt Route
Destination Subnet
Mask Next
Hop Preferred

Figure 5 - Work with TCP/IP Routes

select option 1=Add to add a default route (substitute our sample value with your; see your checklist):
Type choices, press Enter.
Route destination. . . . . . . . > *dftroute
Subnet mask. . . . . . . . . . . > *none
Type of service. . . . . . . . . *NORMAL *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT...
Next hop . . . . . . . . . . . . >
Preferred binding interface. . . *NONE
Maximum transmission unit. . . . *IFC 576-16388, *IFC
Route metric . . . . . . . . . . 1 1-16
Route redistribution . . . . . . *NO; *YES, *NO
Duplicate route priority . . . . 5 1-10
Figure 6 - Add TCP/IP Route

after this, the screen Work with TCP/IP routes looks as follow:
Work with TCP/IP Routes
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display

Opt Route
Destination Subnet
Mask Next
Hop Preferpurple

*DFTROUTE           *NONE          *NONE

Figure 7 - Work with TCP/IP Routes

  1. Defining names and tables
    You are now going to define the AS/400 host name, its domain name, and its DNS server addresses.
    From the menu in Figure 2 select option 12. Change TCP/IP domain information (or prompt command chgtcpdmn); please substitute our sample values with your; see your checklist.
    Change TCP/IP Domain (CHGTCPDMN)
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Host name. . . . . . . . . . . . 'myas400'
    Domain name. . . . . . . . . . . ''
    Host name search priority. . . . *LOCAL *REMOTE, *LOCAL, *SAME
    Domain name server:
    Internet address . . . . . . . ''

Figure 8 - Change TCP/IP Domain

Please note that the host name is up to you; it may be different from the one you display with command dspneta.

Now you have to update the host table with the host name of your AS/400.
From the menu in Figure 2 select option 10. Work with TCP/IP host table entries (or use command addtcphte, see Figure 10):
Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 7=Rename

Opt Internet
Address Host


Figure 9 - Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries

Type 1=Add on the first line and press Enter.
Add TCP/IP Host Table Entry (ADDTCPHTE)
Type choices, press Enter.
Internet address . . . . . . . . > ''
Host names
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . ''
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . ''

  • for more values
    Text 'description' . . . . . .

Figure 10 - Add TCP/IP Host Table Entry

It's important that you specify two host names:
the full one, in the format host_name.domain_name
and the domain_name by itself
to allow a correct routing of the electronic mail from the service provider.
after this, the screen Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries looks as follow:
Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 7=Rename

Opt Internet
Address Host


Figure 11 - Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries

You should now specify the User ID and Address that the mail services will use to route mail that have an internet address as recipients. Operate as follow:
Enter command chgdsta (Change Distribution Attributes) and press F4. Make sure that the Distribution Attributes are as follow:
Change Distribution Attributes (CHGDSTA)
Type choices, press Enter.
Keep recipients . . . . . . . . *BCC *SAME, *BCC, *ALL, *NONE
Use MSF for local . . . . . . . *NO *SAME, *NO, *YES
Route to SMTP gateway:
User ID . . . . . . . . . . . INTERNET Character value, *SAME, *NONE
Address . . . . . . . . . . . SMTPRTE Character value
Figure 12 - Change Distribution Attributes

Then use command wrkdire and use option 1 to add the following system directory entry:
Add Directory Entry
Type choices, press Enter.
User ID/Address . . . . INTERNET SMTPRTE
Description . . . . . . user id to route internet mail
System name/Group . . . INTERNET F4 for list
User profile . . . . . F4 for list
Network user ID . . . . INTERNET SMTPRTE

... etc. ...

System name and group not found. Press Enter to confirm.
Figure 13 - Add Directory Entry, part 1

page fown four times, then enter the following data
Add Directory Entry
Mail service level . . 1 1=User index

Preferred address . . . 9 9=Other preferred address

Address type . . . . ATCONTXT
For choice 9=Other preferred address:
Field name . . . . NETUSRID *IBM
Figure 14 - Add Directory Entry, part 2

  1. Autostarting the TCP/IP servers
    While some TCP/IP servers are already configured for autostarting at the TCP/IP start, some other are not. These are:
    the HTTP server (WEB server), the SMTP server (e-mailer towards the Internet), and the POP3 server (e-mailer towards the internal users). This is how you may autostart these three servers.
    Use command go tcpadm to display the TCP/IP Administration menu
    TCP/IP Administration
    Select one of the following:

    1. Configure TCP/IP
  2. Configure TCP/IP applications

  3. Start TCP/IP

  4. End TCP/IP

  5. Start TCP/IP servers

  6. End TCP/IP servers

  7. Work with TCP/IP network status

  8. Verify TCP/IP connection

  9. Start TCP/IP FTP session

  10. Start TCP/IP TELNET session

  11. Send TCP/IP spooled file

  12. Work with TCP/IP jobs in QSYSWRK subsystem

Figure 15 - TCP/IP Administration

then select option 2 to display the Configure TCP/IP Applications menu
Configure TCP/IP Applications
Select one of the following:
1. Configure SNMP agent

  1. Configure RouteD

  2. Change Trivial FTP Attributes

  3. Configure BOOTP

  4. Change DDM TCP attributes

  5. Change DHCP attributes

  6. Change FTP attributes

  7. Configure TELNET

  8. Configure SMTP

  9. Change LPD attributes

  10. Configure HTTP

  11. Configure workstation gateway

  12. Change POP attributes

  13. Change REXEC attributes

  14. Change DNS attributes

Figure 16 - Configure TCP/IP Applications

To change the HTTP server select option 14. Configure HTTP from the menu in Figure 17,
then select option 1. Change HTTP attributes
(or just prompt command chghttpa):
Change HTTP Attributes (CHGHTTPA)
Type choices, press Enter.
Autostart. . . . . . . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO, *SAME
Number of server threads:
Minimum. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1-999, *SAME, *DFT
Maximum. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 1-999, *SAME, *DFT, *NOMAX
Coded character set identifier 00819 1-65533, *SAME, *DFT
Server mapping tables:
Outgoing EBCDIC/ASCII table. . *CCSID Name, *SAME, *CCSID, *DFT
Library. . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB

Incoming EBCDIC/ASCII table. . *CCSID Name, *SAME, *CCSID, *DFT
Library. . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB

Figure 17 - Change HTTP Attributes

To change the SMTP server select option 12. Configure SMTP from the menu in Figure 16,
then select option 3. Change SMTP attributes
(or just prompt command chgsmtpa):
Change SMTP Attributes (CHGSMTPA)
Type choices, press Enter.
Autostart. . . . . . . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO, *SAME

... etc ...

Figure 18 - Change SMTP Attributes

To change the POP server select option 16. Change POP attributes from the menu in Figure 16
(or just prompt command chgpopa):
Change POP Server Attributes (CHGPOPA)
Type choices, press Enter.
Autostart. . . . . . . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO, *SAME

... etc ...

Figure 19 - Change POP Server Attributes

Once this is done, enter command
to start TCP/IP.

About Mail Service Framework (MSF)
MSF controls the AS/400 mail services.
It starts at IPL time.
However, as you just changed the TCP/IP configuration, you have to restart it by entering the following commands
endmsf option(*immed)
For more information about MSF, please check IBM AS/400 redbook SG24-4703 AS/400 Electronic-Mail Capabilities .

  1. Autostarting TCP/IP at IPL time
    Before OS/400 V4R4, to autostart your TCP/IP at IPL time, you have to add some instructions for the QSTRUP startup program.
    Starting with V4R4, you may obtain the same by adding an autostart job entry to subsystem QSYSWRK.
    Enter the following commands
    grtobjaut obj(qsys/strtcp) objtype(cmd) user(qpgmr) aut(use)
    chgjobd jobd(qsys/qtocstrtcp) jobq(qsys/qsysnomax)
    addaje sbsd(qsys/qsyswrk) job(struptcpip) jobd(qsys/qtocstrtcp)







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