IBM i系列由来
时间:2016-06-28 ┊ 阅读:3,433 次 ┊ 标签: 经验 , 分享 , 系统
The IBM System i is IBM's previous generation of midrange computer systems for IBM i users, and was subsequently replaced by the IBM Power Systems in April 2008.
IBM的i系列来自于为IBM i用户的中型机系统,后来在2008年被IBM Power系统取代。
The platform was first introduced as the AS/400 (Application System/400) on June 21, 1988 and later renamed to the eServer iSeries in 2000. As part of IBM's Systems branding initiative in 2006, it was again renamed to System i. The codename of the AS/400 project was "Silver Lake", named for the lake in downtown Rochester, Minnesota, where development of the system took place.
该平台最初在1988年6月21日作为AS/400(Application System/400)问世,随后在2000年被更名为eServer iSeries。在2006年它作为IBM自主品牌再次被重新更名回System i。AS/400项目的内部代号为“银湖”,命名起源于位于明尼苏达州罗契斯特市的一个湖-银湖,系统就在这儿开发的。
In April 2008, IBM announced its integration with the System p platform. The unified product line is called IBM Power Systems and features support for the IBM i (previously known as i5/OS or OS/400), AIX and GNU/Linux operating systems.
在2008年4月,IBM宣布把AS/400集成于P系列,统称为IBM Power系统,同时支持IBM i(就是知名的i5/OS或OS/400)、AIX和GNU/Linux操作系统。