开发 - 5
Difference between RPG/400 and RPGLE?
This has been covered many times in these fora. In a nutshell RPGLE is synonymous with RPG IV. Ne...
how to format date/time to string[vbs]
Function Format_Time(s_Time, n_Flag)
Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
Format_Time = "&quo...
Read/Update INI configration file function[VBS]
Function GetLastRunSave(strPath,strKeyName)
Dim FSO,...
This sub move the cursor to the specified position for Pcom session[VBS]
write this script just want to simplify our daily work, you can just copy and change it for your ...
foreach 是除 section 之外处理循环的另一种方案(根据不同需要选择不同的方案)。 foreach 用于处理简单数组(数组中的元素的类型一致),...